Sunday, September 30, 2012

Car show

Well last night I decided I wanted to hit a local car show called the Pavilions so I rounded up a few good friends and we cruised down there. I was a tad uneasy to go since my exhaust fell off during this week heading from class to work.. Shit sounds like a v8 when I start it ( I like that part) But then it sounds terrible when I start driving. So we arrive and after scanning row after row for a damn spot, I find a reasonable spot. I starred at my car for a bit then realize I should pop my hood to see how people react.. It was a great idea the whole evening my car had multiple people looking at, which then made got me stoked! Heres a shot that a local photographer took (its weird to not to be the one taking the pictures) 

1 comment:

  1. sweet, the front end looks good tubed and guessetedand the valve cover
