Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shots of my car?

Yes, I am aware that I have not posted pictures of this mystery s14.. Its due to the fact I cant pass emissions and ive used all my temp tags so im carless.. but soon as I get her out there again there will be plenty of shots! Also I bought a bride seat from a friend and im almost collecting all the parts needed to make my car KA-T!! so that will hopefully be put on soon

heres a few shots of some s14s that i wish mine looked like..


  1. looking forward to seeing pictures of your car!

  2. Well the great state of AZ has shit emissions laws, so I was waiting to register outside the county I live in.. But good news getting it done this week! So a full shoot will be done! I dont want to post ugly shots of her just rotting in my driveway haha

  3. yeah, CA has the same laws. i was able to register my car under my grandmas adress which has a one time initial smog requirement, so once you pass smog, you basically get to do what you want

  4. Scott you should get people you know to follow this blog.. haha I do this because I like it but its always a plus when people actually look forward to seeing post from me! So spread the word!!
